Changed gameplay a little bit.

Player have 3-5 locations where he (she/it/they, i just use he, coz get used to it) can go. Each location contains 25 card encounters. You beat encounter if you have succeed, if you fail, you take a hit and your HP goes down. When you reach 0 HP you lose.

Player has:

attack - he trows 2 (number of attack he has) D6 dices, every 5-6 number on a dice is a hit

HP - when you fail difficulty check or monster attacks you, you reduce your HP

Defense - substracted when you get hit. If you have 1 defense and get 3 damage, you lose 2 hp

charisma - intellect - strenght - players stats that he can use to pass non combat encounters. Player throws stat number of D6 dices (if you have CHA 3, then you roll 3D6). Every 5-6 is a successes.

Adventure finishes when you find END encounter (evil guy, lost girl, cultists etc), usually end encounter mixes to the last 5 cards in the deck.